Dr Wilfred Walsh, MRSNZ
Wilfred is a physicist with a research career in Australia (CSIRO), Germany (Max Planck Institute), USA (Harvard Smithsonian) and Antarctica. He established the Solar Potential and Energy Meteorology department at the National University of Singapore, working on forecasting, city-scale PV systems and grid integration. He founded Biosphere Capital in Singapore at a time when carbon finance policies facilitated renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in developing countries. Wilfred currently manages rewilding projects on the east and west coasts of the South Island of New Zealand.
Dr Colin Meurk, OMNZ
Colin is New Zealand’s preeminent urban and restorative ecologist, currently holding positions at Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research and Lincoln and Canterbury Universities. He has published extensively on native, urban, alpine and Subantarctic ecosystems, conservation biology and large scale biodiversity. His advocacy and actions have led to many successful citizen science and rewilding projects, and ongoing initiatvies such as iNaturalist, Christchurch’s 360Trail, 50South, the RightPlantRightPlace system and many more. Colin is a highly sought after expert and speaker on all matters ecological throughout New Zealand.
Professor Brett Robinson
Brett is a chemist, botanist and soil scientist at the University of Canterbury with a particular interest in soil management through the use of biowaste. His areas of expertise also include:
Trace elements in the environment
Soil chemistry, analytical chemistry
Environmental and wastewater remediation
Rhizosphere research
Soil - plant interactions, bioremediationBrett’s research work has been shown to be effective in field trials across New Zealand: his past projects, free online decision support tools and over 150 publications can be found at kiwiscience.com; he teaches environmental science and chemistry and welcomes applications from prospective postgraduate students.
Mr Michael Steenhauer
Mike (MSc Natural Resource Management) is an all round outdoorsman. His expertise includes heavy equipment (e.g. soil sample rig), trucks, boats, licensed use of toxins and herbicides, firearms, trapping, etc. His extensive field work for the Department of Conservation, several universities, and private consultancies such as Kleinfelder Australia in remote areas means that he is able to design and implement any kind of predator control or environmental monitoring/compliance project. Mike has extensive experience in leading ecological restoration projects, both here in New Zealand and Australia. Other areas of expertise include soil and water conservation and erosion control, and environmental/ecological monitoring.
Dr Annette Bolton
Netty is currently Senior Earth and Environmental Scientist at Environmental Science and Research Ltd. She is an environmental scientist (BSc Hons Environmental Science, MSc Environmental Management and Sustainable Development) and climate scientist (PhD Geology, palaeoceanography); also a chartered Environmentalist (UK), Member of the Commission on Ecosystem Management (ICUN), Graduate of the Science Policy Exchange, Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, NZ, and member of the Institute of Environmental Sciences, (UK).
Professor Simon Watts, MRSC
Simon has a PhD in chemistry and an extensive career in academia, policy and economics. He is a Visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore and is cofounder and Director of the Brighton Observatory of Environment and Economics (BOEE).
BOEE is The New Zealand Centre for Adaptation, advising communities and businesses how to optimally respond to the realities of climate change. Through BOEE Simon also consults on policy and processes and initiates public awareness and advocacy programs. BOEE’s projects are designed to inform communities and instil awareness and appreciation of the natural world and love of the environment.